
ゲルハルト・リヒターといえば、現代絵画の巨匠として世界的に有名な作家です。リヒター の作品の印象は、「難解」の一言に尽きます。リヒター の作品の特徴は、目まぐるしく作風が変わること。初期の蝋燭や人物を描いたフォト・ペインティングや、カラーチャート、グレイ・ペインティング、アブストラクト・ペインティング、さらにガラスや鏡を使った作品など、多岐に渡る表現手法で、リヒターは絵画の可能性を切り開いています。








Gerhard Richter’s “Esoteric Painting”

Gerhard Richter is a world-famous writer as a master of contemporary painting. The impression of Richter’s work is just one word, “esoteric.” The characteristic of Richter’s work is that the style changes rapidly. Richter has the potential to paint with a wide range of expression techniques, including early candles and photo paintings of people, color charts, gray paintings, abstract paintings, and even works using glass and mirrors. Is carving out.

Looking at Richter’s abstract art, it seems to be influenced by modernism, but there is no positive will in the style, and I get the impression that it is far from modernism. In the context of art history, Richter would be positioned as a writer who ended modernist painting and inherited Marcel Duchamp’s “ready-made” in his paintings.

This time, I would like to write my personal impression of Richter painting.

Richter’s paintings are made up of two competing forces, which I think is close to the idea of ​​yin and yang. Yin and yang is an idea that originates from Chinese thought and classifies all things in the universe into two categories, yin and yang, from various perspectives. Yin and yang are two qi with attributes that are in opposition to each other, and it is said that changes such as the creation and annihilation of all things are caused by these two qi.

Richter’s paintings are made up of contradictory things such as concrete and abstract, colorful and monochrome, photography and painting, and reality and illusion.

Richter’s expression goes back and forth between concrete and abstract expressions, rather than being reduced in one direction from concrete to abstract as in Kandinsky. I don’t see any modernist writers who produce in that way. Take concrete and abstract as an example. From the perspective of Yin-Yang thought, the image recognized as a scene of a concrete thing is concrete, and the rest is interpreted as abstract. There are realism paintings that take pictures of Richter’s early masterpieces and express them in oil paintings. Furthermore, as a realism, there are works in which a part of a painting or landscape is enlarged and drawn realistically. Both works have the same method, but the finished works are completely different. The former can read a concrete image, but the latter is an abstract that I do not understand what it is. It is an image. What I feel from Richter’s work is that we realize that the premise of seeing the work is actually unknowingly and unknowingly filtered. In other words, concrete images and abstract images are worlds filtered by our thoughts and customs, and there are actually things that have been filtered out.



